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Writer's pictureJoe Fit Asia


Welcome to Blog Post #8, 2023.

Cracking the Code of a Good Night’s Sleep: Tips from a Sleep Enthusiast. Greetings, fellow sleep-seekers! Today, I embarked on a quest to uncover the enigmatic women Napoleon Bonaparte alluded to in his famous quote: "Let her sleep, for when she wakes, she will shake the world." Unfortunately, I found no definitive answers, except for one interpretation—a symbolic representation of women's potential to bring about profound changes when they rise from rest or oppression. Perhaps it was a reference to one of his wives, Desiree Clary of France or Marie Louise of Austria. But hey, let her sleep, right? Especially if she is a Pisces.

Now, let's talk about our own sleep struggles. I've been there, my friends. Rough nights, bleary-eyed mornings—it's a battle we've all fought. In my case, about a decade ago, I suffered from significant sleep issues. I was running on fumes, barely getting 5 hours of sleep when my body craved a solid 7-8 hours of shut-eye. It didn't take long for me to realize I needed to take action. And let me tell you, it's been a journey of continuous improvement. My sleep routine actually starts in the morning, depending on the weather. Picture this: me, watching the sunrise, and engaging in a bit of sun gazing for 10-30 seconds as the sun peeks above the horizon. Don't worry, the UV rays are at their lowest, so no harm to the eyes. It's like watching a sunset—just with the intention of setting my circadian clock for the day. And whenever possible, I make it a point to take a leisurely walk and enjoy the sunset. It's all about syncing with that 24-hour day-night cycle.

Now, let's dive into the fascinating world of the circadian clock. It's like having our very own "body clock" that regulates various physiological and behavioral processes. Nestled within our brains is a group of cells called the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), playing a crucial role in receiving light signals from our eyes. These signals help adjust our circadian rhythm and ensure our bodily functions stay in sync with the external day-night cycle. Light and darkness play starring roles in this clockwork masterpiece. Morning light tells our body it's time to wake up and seize the day, while darkness signals it's time to wind down and prepare for a restful sleep. Disruptions to this delicate balance—jet lag, shift work, or irregular sleep patterns—can wreak havoc on our health, leading to sleep disorders, mood swings, and metabolic issues. To maintain harmony, it's crucial to establish a regular sleep schedule and embrace natural light.

Speaking of my own journey, I discovered that shortly after sunset, a sudden wave of yawning would overcome me. This worked wonders when I lived in Southeast Asia, where the sun bid adieu around 6:30 pm. However, it turned me topsy-turvy when I relocated to the Pacific Northwest on Whidbey Island, where the sun sets as early as 3:30 pm. I was ready to hit the hay by 4:00 pm!

To optimize my sleep routine, I made a few changes. I reduced my coffee consumption from 3-4 cups per day to just one, and not a drop after 10 am. I also switched to matcha green tea as an alternative, but again, with the cutoff time at 10 am. Dinner is served before 6 pm, and I avoid drinking anything after 6:30 pm. My morning vitamins are taken care of, but I save my magnesium supplement (500 mg) for one hour before bed. I even use magnesium oil and rub it on the soles of my feet for that extra relaxation. I'm still working on reducing screen time before bed. As for bedtime, it's a consistent range of 8:30 pm to 9:15 pm, every night. I create a cozy, dark environment and even place a black t-shirt over my eyes. The only light I keep on is a small night light in the bathroom for any needed visits.

Based on this routine, I usually rise around 4 am, feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day. But it doesn't end there—I keep a journal of my lifestyle, documenting my sleep hours and patterns. It's a fantastic way to track progress and make adjustments when necessary. Now, let's explore some intriguing articles I stumbled upon during my quest for sleep wisdom:

  1. "A Third of Americans Are Getting a 'Sleep Divorce'" by The Messenger: This article delves into a fascinating trend—couples opting to sleep separately to improve their sleep quality. Reasons range from different sleep schedules to snoring or restlessness. Sleep divorce can be a beneficial solution for couples to prioritize their well-being.

  2. "European Sleep Tech Startups Are Optimizing Shut-eye" by Welltodo Global: Sleep technology is on the rise in Europe, with startups developing innovative products like wearable devices, smart mattresses, and sleep tracking apps. These technologies help individuals understand their sleep patterns, enhance sleep quality, and boost overall well-being.

  3. "Sleep and Empathy: Understanding the Connection" by The Guardian: Neuroscientist Russell Foster's research explores the link between sleep and empathy. It reveals that lack of sleep significantly affects our ability to empathize with others and accurately interpret emotions. Sufficient sleep is essential for healthy social interactions and fostering empathy.

Now, let's unveil the incredible benefits of a good night's sleep. Buckle up, folks!

  1. Improved Cognitive Function: Sleep is a powerhouse for cognitive processes such as memory consolidation, attention, and problem-solving. It enhances learning abilities, decision-making, and even sparks creativity. Who knew sleep could be a creativity boost?

  2. Enhanced Mood and Emotional Well-being: A blissful night's sleep promotes emotional stability, better mood regulation, and increased resilience to stress. On the flip side, sleep deprivation can transform us into irritable, moody creatures, prone to anxiety and depression. We don't want that!

  3. Optimal Physical Health: Quality sleep is a secret weapon for overall physical well-being. It supports our immune system, helps regulate appetite and weight, promotes cardiovascular health, and decreases the risk of chronic conditions like obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. It's like a superhero cape for our bodies.

  4. Improved Productivity and Performance: Ah, productivity—the holy grail of the modern world. Restful sleep fuels our productivity, concentration, and alertness. It's the fuel we need to excel in our work, studies, or daily activities. Say goodbye to sluggishness and hello to a productivity powerhouse!

  5. Enhanced Physical Recovery: While we sleep, our bodies engage in essential restorative processes. Adequate sleep promotes muscle repair, tissue growth, and the release of hormones crucial for recovery from physical exertion. It's the ultimate rejuvenation therapy for our bodies.

6. Better Stress Management: Ah, stress—the sneaky little monster that loves to wreak havoc on our lives. But fear not! Sufficient sleep is here to save the day. When we get the sleep we need, our bodies and minds recharge, becoming more resilient to stress. It's like a shield that helps us tackle life's challenges with grace and calmness. So, let those Zzz's be your secret stress-fighting weapon.

7. Lowered Risk of Accidents: Picture this—a well-rested individual, sharp as a tack, with lightning-fast reflexes. Sounds like a superhero, right? Well, that's what quality sleep can do for you. When we're well-rested, our coordination, reaction time, and judgment are on point, reducing the likelihood of accidents in any setting. Say goodbye to stumbling through life half-awake and hello to being the superhero of safety.

To reap all these amazing benefits, it's recommended that adults aim for 7-9 hours of sleep each night, while teenagers and children may need even more. But how do we achieve this sleep utopia? Fear not, my fellow sleep-seekers—I'm on the lookout for a fantastic sleep program to incorporate into my Fit & Well concept, which is available on my website: If you have any recommendations, reach out to me at Let's conquer the world of sleep together!

Here's a lighthearted #lol sleep joke for you: Why did the pillow go to school? Because it wanted to become a "pillow-osopher" and learn about the dreams of the world! 😄

And hey, while we're at it, let's chat about Joe Fit Asia. If you want to learn more about how Joe Fit Asia can transform your company or explore investment opportunities in Asia, don't hesitate to contact me at Mahalo for joining me on this sleep-filled adventure! Aloha, Joe Lewis


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